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Tax Caddy

McMinnville CPA is teaming up with TaxCaddy to best serve you!
McMinnville CPA is teaming up with TaxCaddy to best serve you!

McMinnville CPA and TaxCaddy have teamed up to best serve our clients.

Why Team Up with TaxCaddy?

TaxCaddy is a part of the tool box of offerings McMinnville CPA has to securely and efficiently serve our individual tax clients. TaxCaddy will be used for the following traditionally paper tasks and items:

  • Collect 1040 Organizers
  • Collect 1040 Tax Documents
  • Delivery Electronic Individual Tax Returns
  • Collect Signatures for E-File Authorizations for 1040 Clients

Quick Links

Signing Up

McMinnville CPA will be initiating all invites for TaxCaddy. They will come via e-mail to the e-mail address you have on file with the firm. Below are the steps for signing up with that e-mail.

Quick Reference Guide

Additional Information

Take a look at frequently asked questions for TaxCaddy

Walk through for various items in TaxCaddy

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